Thursday, November 26, 2009

Cinta Tanpa Noktah

Sedih ma baca blog hajaq. Pengalaman masa kat NICU. Eden kat paed, gynae n neuro. Xbanyak sangat la cite2 menyayat hati ni…

Cuma, bila duk tulis pasal neuro ni, teringat plak kat satu2nya patient neuro eden. X ingat dah aih nama sapa (kalau ingat pon, mane bleh tulis nama dia). Agak teruk gakla…xcident.coma.xsedar.

Cuma, eden sangat terkesan time part wife dia nangis, sbb doc kata, xleh nak buat pape dh kat spital ni. Kene bawak balik rumah. Wife dia nangis sbb xtau cane nak jaga husband dia kat rumah nnt. Yela, dgn coma, wayar sana-sini. Kalau eden jd dia pun, eden gerun. Dahla anak sorg je, kecik lagi. Mmg xdak sedara mara yg duk dekat2. hmm…Rasa beruntung sangat amik nursing, sbb eden belajar cara jaga org sakit, jadi kalau berlaku apa2 pada family sendiri, insyAllah eden akan apply semua ilmu yg pernah eden belajar =)

Masa eden masuk bilik patient tu, nak amik observation n GCS, eden tengok wife nangis. Eden tau dah, sbb b4 tu wife ade cakap kat eden pasai ni. Anak dia tengah solat waktu tu. Pandainya depa didik anak..rajin solat. Ish..zaman skrg, susah na nak didik anak rajin solat.huhu. Eden xtau nak buat apa, yg eden tau, eden sebagai nurse, tugas eden bukan stkt amik observation. Jiwa patient and relatives pun tanggungjawab eden jugak.

Eden recall balik teori2 yg eden blaja. Apa guna bayaq mahal2 tp x practice kan (hehe..teringat nasihat eden kat junior2 shahputra yg posting skali ngan eden satu waktu dulu). Eden guna therapeutic touch. Eden letak tangan eden atas bahu wife tu…"I lend u my shoulder.."kata dalam hati ja..malu aih nak habaq..hehe..

At least, eden boleh tenangkan dia. Alhamdulillah, ok la sket wife eden tau, masih ada baki2 sedih dlm hatinya. Betulla…berat mata memandang, berat lg bahu y memikul.

malangnya. eden x dapat nak membantu sepenuhnya kerana eden terpaksa ambil MC 2 hari. Demam panas. Bila menulis kisah ini, terfikir mcm mana nasib keluarga itu. Ya Allah, kuatkanlah hati mereka dlm menempuh ujianMu. Kuatkanlah semangat wife itu, dlm menyempurnakan tanggungjawab dan kasihnya sbg seorg isteri.

Semalam, ada sesorang menanyakan eden soalan praktikal sebegini. Dan buat insan yg bertanya itu, ketahuilah, inilah jawapan eden. Eden ingin contohi wife itu. Isteri solehah ialah isteri yg akan menyempurnakan kasihnya dlm tika susah dan senang =)


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Kamu Generasi Y

Salam kerinduan buat jiwa2 yang merindui Rabbnya.

Matahari bersinar hari ini, setelah hampir seminggu ia berhibernasi drp bumi Terengganu. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi kesempatan melihat sinar makhluk besar yg hampir2 dijadikan Tuhan oleh Nabi Ibrahim itu (Nabi Ibrahim tidak menjadikan matahari sbg Tuhan kerana ia terbit dan tenggelam, sedangkan Tuhan tidak bersifat sedemikian).

Membaca page Ust Hasrizal, terpandang "Generasi Y"
Terimbau kenangan menjadi committee Taaruf Week sesi lepas, ketika induction course, Tn. Hj Azmi ada menyebut mengenai Generasi Y.

"Kamu generasi Y dan saya generasi X".

Generasi Y = Millenial Generation = Generation Next
Usia bukan ukuran bg generasi ini.
Tetapi ia diklasifikasikan oleh demographers, media, communication & digital technologies.
Dalam bahasa mudah, generasi Y ialah generasi yg terbiasa dgn alat-alatan teknologi spt handphone, laptop, internet, 3G, dan apa2 yg berkaitan dengannya.

Namun, ramai social researchers berpendapat, generasi Y ialah generasi yg lahir pada tahun 1983-2001.

Kenapa ia terhenti setakat 2001? Elwood Carlson mengatakan bahawa generasi selepas 2001 perlu digelar sbg generasi lain ikutan peristiwa serangan WTC, September 2001. Mungkinkah perlu dinamakan sbg generasi lain kerana pd era itu, berlakunya kebangkitan Islam di negara2 Barat? Wallahua'lam.

Generasi Y
Sudah terbiasa dgn email, texting, IM, Youtube, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter dsb.
Malah, saya merasakan, Generasi Y tidak mampu meneruskan kehidupan yg sempurna tanpa benda2 itu semua. Benarkan?

Sehinggakan budaya Generasi X hampir2 dilupakan. Contoh mudah, mengumpul setem. Hari ini, boleh dibilang dgn jari berapa org sahaja yang masih mengekalkan hobi tersebut. Atau mungkin ada anak2 pada hari ini tidak tahu bahawa mengumpul setem pernah dijadikan sbg hobi kegemaran pada zaman generasi X.

Agak terlalu banyak kelebihan generasi Y ini, dgn kepakaran menggunakan alatan teknologi. Namun, apa yang ingin saya ketengahkan ialah, sejauh mana kebaikan budaya Generasi Y, jika nilai2 mulia dlm hidup sudah mula diketepikan?

Pernah saya menaiki LRT di kota raya. Seorang anak muda rancak mengangguk kepala, mendengar lagu dr earphone yg disambungkan ke MP3. Masuk seorang wanita mengandung dan saat itu, semua tempat duduk sudah penuh. Menyakitkan hati apabila anak muda itu buat tidak tahu apabila wanita mengandung itu berdiri di sebelahnya, malah dia duduk asyik mendengar lagu!

Itulah generasi Y (maaf, bukan semua, tetapi kebanyakan).

Banyak lagi pengalaman2 hidup yg mahu saya ceritakan ttg generasi Y ini, iaitu generasi saya sendiri. Namun, biarlah saya simpan ia sebagai diari hidup saya.

Mencabar diri saya sendiri, dlm menjadi sebagai seorg generasi Y, akhlak2 Islam dan nilai2 hidup yg mesti dikekalkan.


1. Set Clear Expectations: It’s important to meet with your Gen Y employees and set expectations early on in the employment relationship. Many managers just assume that Gen Y is familiar with the “corporate rules.” This is not necessarily true and Gen Y has different interpretations of those rules. Some important areas to clarify up front include:

  • Work hours – if there are standard hours that all employees are expected to work, tell them. Also, let them know if there is flexibility in the hours of work or if they can work remotely.
  • Dress code – company dress code should also be discussed. Gen Y is typically more casual in their dress. Don’t assume that they know what business casual means. We’re talking about the generation who spend a lot of their time in flip flops and yoga pants. They are not opposed to dressing a certain way; they just need to know what it is.
  • Use of technology – this issue is becoming more prevalent as more Gen Y’s enter the workforce. This generation is great at multitasking. They can work on a term paper, engage in multiple conversations through instant messaging and surf the web at the same time. Be sure to make clear the policies around use of technology including the company computer and internet. Remember, Gen Y relies primarily on technology for communication. They will utilize the technology that is provided to them as well as their own. If you would prefer that they do not text message their friends during work hours, tell them.

Monitor Handshake2. Offer Flexibility: A survey shows over 58% of Gen Y rated flexibility as extremely important or very important to them. While we realize, it is not always possible to offer flexibility, you should attempt to where you can. Gen Y is involved in many activities outside of the workplace and they value the concept of flexible working arrangements. Be willing to discuss options with your employees. This is a key area for retention purposes. If Gen Y’s don’t feel like they are able to balance their work and personal lives, they will find another job quickly.

3. Leverage Their Strengths: Like all generations, Gen Y’s have many positive attributes that they bring to the workplace. To get the most from this generation, find ways to leverage their strengths. Provide them with projects and assignments where they can add value. I recently was told a story by a manager who said that her Gen Y employee was “in 30 minutes able to electronically streamline a process that we had been doing manually for years.”Gen Y’s enter the workplace excited, passionate and with lots of great ideas. If you can find ways to utilize their skills and channel their energy, you will experience productive results.

4. Show Them Respect: This sounds so basic but it’s not. Frequently, Gen Y’s complain about being treated as their “manager’s child” rather than their employee. They also feel they are chastised because they are viewed as having limited experience as compared to other employees. Gen Y tends to ask a lot of questions and challenge the status quo. This generation has been coached to get involved and they participate in major family decisions. At very early ages they set up the cell phones for their parents, hook up the family computer and provide consultation on the best web sites. Resist the urge to brush them off because of their age and show them the respect that everyone deserves.

5. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate: Never underestimate the power of communication. As mentioned earlier, Gen Y relies heavily on technology to communicate. They keep in touch with literally hundreds of contacts on a daily basis. Because of the way they use technology, they often assume that this is the preferred method for everyone. Share your expectations of when you want to discuss issues face-to-face and when it’s appropriate to use technology. It doesn’t hurt to be proactive and establish communication guidelines early in the relationship. This will help to avoid mis-communications down the road.

Managing Gen Y doesn’t have to be as difficult as some make it out to be. The key is to set clear expectations and establish open lines of communication. Follow these tips for a positive experience with your Gen Y employees. They will be the future leaders of the business world someday. Let’s take the time now to foster their success.

Selamat menjalani hidup sebagai Generasi Y...
dan bagaimana nnt ye Generasi Z pula?...

Friday, November 20, 2009

Words Cant Bring U Down

Aishah tiada dlm gambar
(dari kiri : najwa, muniera, ayah de, najihah, mak)

So impressed! word can express my feeling.
I think she more than me.
Hopefully you will be the thankful person.

Tahniah along@aishah (my niece)
You continue my legacy.. =)

Like ur others cousin
All of them have continued my legacy
With getting 5As in UPSR

Start now..i have to think what kind of gift I should give to u.


Pabila Tayar PCL Berpusing (1)

let the pictures talk by themselves

kongsi2 makan sebijik waffer yg mahal

masjid kat iium kuantan? no no no...mintak2 la sempat dgn masjid kat iium kuantan tu

jarq sedang mentadabbur ayat2 suci alquran di dinding kaca masjid besi

cantiknya langit..

teropong jangan x teropong..erm, nampak ke tu?..

Katanya Bukh (classmate) : "X perlu menunggu berdiri tegaknya sejadah(peristiwa2 yg pelik), baru nak mengimami kebesaran Allah. Cukuplah sekadar melihat alam ciptaanNya, sudah cukup utk menambah iman di hati."

Katanya Allah : "Maka berjalanlah, bermusafirlah, di muka bumi ini, dan lihatlah bagaimana akibatnya org2 yg kafir (ambil peringatan atas setiap apa yg berlaku)."

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Have a read, blogwalk and so on! =p

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